NBC parents, alumni, district residents, & employers: The school district is asking for your help. Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey so we can make North Bend Central the best school it can be! Links are on NBTIGERS.ORG homepage.
about 1 year ago, Whitney Armstrong
Survey Links
Fifth-grade students have been learning about the rainforest and will showcase their learning on 12/20 at NBCE 1:45-2:45 in the cafeteria.
about 1 year ago, Becky Streff
working on rainforest presentation
working on rainforest presentation
working on rainforest presentation
working on rainforest presentation
testing out their ozobot
working on rainforest presentation
working on rainforest presentation
Join us as we share our learning
During 2nd quarter fifth-graders, as part of their reading program, have been learning about the rainforest. Today they "traveled" and "experienced" the rainforest with the help of VRs from the High School Science Department and Mrs. Gall.
about 1 year ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
5th grade students and VR
5th grade students and VR
5th grade students and VR
5th grade students and VR
NBC Seniors, Career Ed Teacher Mrs. Katie Wright and Superintendent Mr. Patrick Ningen met with Senator Lynne Walz today to discuss funding for education career exploration through programs like InternNE and proposed legislation that will earmark funding for NDE to support a teachers apprenticeship program.
about 1 year ago, Whitney Armstrong
Speaking with students
Sen. at NBC
In classroom
Please go to NBTIGERS.ORG to take the NBC community needs survey. Share this post to help spread the word.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Armstrong
Take the Survey
The survey comes out tomorrow! Sign up tonight to get the survey sent directly to your email.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Armstrong
Sign Up for for the Survey
Sign up today to receive the NBC Community Needs Survey at NBTIGERS.org.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Armstrong
Survey Sign Up
Mrs. Dorcey's kindergarten class was busy working with their Beebots today, as part of their STEAM learning activities. Beebots are programmable devices that promote coding in young students. Thanks to ESU 2 for writing the grant!
over 1 year ago, Patrick Ningen
Dorcey 1
Dorcey 2
Dorcey 3
Thermal energy and mass is what the 6th graders are doing labs on this week.
over 1 year ago, Amy Sterup
2 cups of water and different materials. Plastic lost the least amount
same bowls and amount, surface areas differ
Same amount and material, different openings
Same size bowls and same material, different amount of sizes
The Middle School and High School students were greeted this morning by an Elf on the roof! Smiles were on everyones face walking in!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Armstrong
Elf of the Roof
Todays bowling dual can be seen through York's Strive!
over 1 year ago, Brenda Petersen
Congratulations to Brady J and Tristan A of the NBC Band who were selected for the Wayne State College Honor Band which will take place on January 27th.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Baldwin
The Advanced STS students are working on framing walls in their Construction Unit. Later they will learn to wire lights, switches, and receptacles on the wall in their Electrical Unit.
over 1 year ago, Roy Wright
Advanced STS
The purpose of the NBC community needs assessment survey is to give stakeholders a voice in designing the future for our school district. There will be a few different versions of this survey based on different roles in the community. Some patrons may be able to participate in more than one survey. Please sign up here to make sure you have a survey emailed directly to you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSEm-jG_rhqI4Ir__xIIgE2200pfdbBbgs-sb7oBTAlckxIA/viewform
over 1 year ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
NBC Logo
NBVFD taking the Unified Bowlers out of town this morning for state bowling.
over 1 year ago, Dan Nelson
heading to state
Opening ceremonies
over 1 year ago, Dan Nelson
opening ceremonies
If you missed the NBC One Act performance of "The Fairy Godfather," watch it here now! https://youtu.be/mL8wD1U-esc
over 1 year ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3QjyIoG Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3M4R0HN
over 1 year ago, North Bend Central
It's everything North Bend Central, in your pocket.
Sign up to get a digital NBC District Newsletter: We are going Digital! Sign up here to get a copy of the NBC District Newsletter directly to your inbox! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScR5o2uRsMSfS_BnMjn3ves5qrp6v6io_-ab96d9g3vU91mnA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
over 1 year ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
Mr. Wright had the honor of presenting at the ACTE's Career Tech Vision conference in Phoenix, AZ. Mr. Wright attended this conference along with other CTE teachers from the Educational Service Unit.
over 1 year ago, Brenda Petersen
Mr Wright