School Wide Title I information
North Bend Central Elementary is a School Wide Title I building. Grade level collaboration teams meet weekly to review available data on groups of students. The district has provided training for administration and staff to analyze data used for making decisions. Third – fifth grade level teams review NSCAS, MAP, and FAST data to determine needs. Kindergarten – second grade level teams review FAST and MAP data for decision-making.
Data has also been utilized throughout the MTSS process. The MTSS team has used FAST Next data to calculate reading growth rates and determine criteria for decision rules. Assessment data has been reviewed by all staff to identify priority reading standards for our school. Based on this data, instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of all students.
Information, such as enrollment, mobility rates, poverty, attendance, and graduation/dropout rates are available on the Nebraska Department of Education website. Information is also available for subgroups of poverty, Special Education, ethnicity, gender and free and reduced lunch.
Professional development staff from ESU2 have guided the TIP/SIP team in setting a reading comprehension goal on main idea.
Parents/Guardians wanting to obtain the qualifications of the Title I teacher should contact the building principal.